out of the closet, but there is a whale of difference between three days and three years." I think you

are putting the cart before the horse. If you are planning to have a business which you hope to run as a woman, and if you have the freedom to do as you please, don't you think you should try first to see how it feels to stay as a girl for a few months? If--as you say--the most time you've spent dressed has been three days, I'd think that a lot of plan- ning and actual practice would be necessary before launching yourself into business as Bonnie. Think very carefully about problems such as beard, voice, mannerisms, and so forth.


Diana Joyce definitely votes in the negative when confronted by my position regarding slacks, swimsuits and marriage. She sends me a picture of herself in a bathing suit taken on a Mexican beach. "No one laughed at me--she says--and my wife, who isn't the easiest person to please, thought that I looked very well and was not a bit worried nor ash- amed to be seen with me. I really can't say that I'm a living doll in it but I thought I'd give you a little ammunition for your column". Diana Joyce, you are a living doll, but a sneaky one...Notice that in the picture the light comes from behind and the entire front, including the face, is in shadows. Diana Joyce does not mention the fact that the beach happened to be as sparsely populated as the Sahara desert (this of course I assume, just to make her mad.). As to the picture of herself in slacks which she promises to send me, I appreciate the thought, but I much rather have one of her in a nice dress.

Diana Joyce gets really serious when it comes to my objections to TV's getting married. She ac- cusses me of making a statement that is too "all inclusive". "After all--she says--you really don't know that many TV's, do you?" Well, of course I don't claim to know every TV there is to be known. But still, I've personally met around 200 TV's and have corresponded rather extensively with another